Bedzan Pygmies of Cameroon.African Pygmies HomepageIntroductionVillages and HutsFood PreparationMusic and DancesPortraitsBaka Pygmies (Cameroon, Gabon and Congo)BaKola-BaGyeli Pygmies (Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea)BaKoya Pygmies (Gabon)Aka Pygmies (Central African Rep.)Rainforest & Pygmies (Audio-Photo Gallery)Fieldwork (Audio-Photo Diary)The Forest Has You. Story of an Initiation
(Cameroon, Gabon and Congo)
(Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea)
(Central African Rep.)
Audio-Photo Gallery
Audio-Photo Diary
Story of an Initiation
the Website

* In the native languages of other peoples in Central Africa, as well as in the anthropological literature, the Bedzan are sometimes referred to as Bedjan Pygmies, Medzan, Bedzans, Bedjans or Medzans, or as Tikar Pygmies or pygmées de la plaine Tikar, in reference to the Tikar people with whom they live in close contact and with whom they share the language, or, more generally, as Mbenga Pygmies (name variants: Bambenga, Babenga, Babinga, Binga, Mbinga, Babingas, Bingas, Ba-Binga and Yadinga).
With regard to the meaning, origin and use of the word "Pygmy", see this note on terminology.
Bedzan Pygmies of Cameroon.       Page URL:       Photos, texts and audio recordings by Luis Devin.
The time in the tropical rainforests of the Western Congo Basin, where the Bedzan Pygmy people live, is 01:47.
Every minute, at least 25 hectares (250.000 m²) of forest are destroyed around the world (source: WWF).